First off, Elsie (my niece) had a birthday and we came to help celebrate!
Here's Ashlyn and Lexi (other nieces) skatin' it up at the party.
Daddy and RyRy hangin' out. It was pretty loud there and Ryan really didn't know what to think about it. He also desperately needed a nap but since he doesn't sleep outside his crib...
And Lexi came to join him.
And here's Lexi gearing up for our walk after the Thanksgiving meal.
Ryan really loved bath time! The first time he stood up by himself (holding on to something else of course) was in the bath.
Ryan has become a professional crawler, sitter and stander all within one month! I can hardly believe it. He's into everything, except his toys. I am not even sure why we bother. In all actuality he would prefer a good book to tear the pages out of and eat up or a plastic bag. He just can't understand why mommy won't let him have those yummy things!
Here is his classic 7 month picture.
It was so great to see everyone there as we don't make it up there as often as we'd like. Thanks for the wonderful time!
Our little family on Christmas day.
Ryan is working on pulling himself up on his daddy in the picture.
And lastly, here is Ryan playing with one of his Christmas toys. He likes his toy because he can stand up and it makes noises. He usually plays with this toy for about a minute and then is on to something else but a minute is a long time to such a small little guy.
And a video of him with his new little toy. Thanks for everyone for making this holiday season such a joy. Thanks especially to Grandparents for all the things Ryan got. I know he's been having a lot of fun with them.