Our first little family picture at the ocean. Oh, and I got a hair cut which I love.
On Saturday, we went to the Wild Animal Park. Super cool! It reminded me of Africa.
Here's Lexi.
Here's Lexi.
Lexi was wanting to go home at this point and take a nap.
This is Lexi molding the butterfly I painted on her face. The other side was a unicorn (I didn't take a picture of it b/c I don't know how to paint unicorns).
For Valentine's Day, Mike and I celebrated on Saturday and went out to a Thai restaurant. We have really liked Thai food lately. It was nice to get out just by ourselves as that very rarely happens now. Thanks for babysitting Mom.
Now for Alex's Birthday! My nephew Alex Welch, turned 13 yesterday! I can't believe it, it seems like just a few years ago he was so little and fat-- now he's taller than me! In celebration we ate cake, and opened gifts. In this picture I'm standing on my tip toes, but I promise he really is taller.