I always think my life is boring and that I am doing nothing so I thought I would blog about my boring and uneventful life. Here's the highlights from the last few weeks. Sorry no pictures...I am not very good at this!
Well, we started the Depression Recovery Program at BYU for the second year in a row last Monday! There were about 50 people there so that was awesome. Today we the second session and it is going wonderfully. My challenge for the next two weeks is to not say anything negative for the next 14 days. If I do, I've got to start over. It doesn't have to be positive either. I just can't say anything negative. :)
Two weeks ago I went to the "Successful Mothering Convention" http://www.successfulmothering.com/. I went with my dad, and sister, Jeanette. We had a booth on health, depression, and Juice Plus+ (www.broscheckjuiceplus.com). That was really fun, but at the end of the day I thought my feet were going to fall off! There were many excellent presenters and it is definitely something I want to do every year!
Finally, this weekend, Mike and I went to a Marriage Enrichment Weekend. http://www.marriage-enrichment.org/. Don't worry our marriage is going great, but my parents recommended this because they did it about 20 years ago and said they really liked it. It was really great. From Thursday evening until Saturday evening Mike and I got to just be together and not have to worry about school or anything else. I totally recommend it to all couples.
The stuff I do in between is go to school, study for school, read interesting books, cook, clean, go to the temple, yoga, and sometimes be just plain lazy! So now everyone knows what is going on in my life. As you can see this blog really is about me and not so much about Mike, but I love him!